
Is Dairy as Detrimental as Wheat?

     A lot of people who go gluten free, also go dairy free, which is commonly referred to as the Gluten Free Casein Free Diet (GFCF Diet). Studies have shown that dairy can be as detrimental to your digestive system as gluten can in those who have food allergies or intolerances. Patients who suffer from Celiac Disease (CD) need to avoid gluten, however as dairy products claim to be "gluten free" most people eat them. Research has shown that the inflammatory response from dairy mimics that of gluten and can affect about half of the patients with CD. This reaction is usually in response to casein. Casein is the main protein found in milk. People can also have a milk or casein allergy in which your immune system thinks the milk protein is damaging your body and therefore makes antibodies for protection. The protein and antibodies creates a release of chemicals that can cause swollen lips, mouth, tongue, face or throat, a rash or red itchy skin, sneezing, running nose, itchy eyes, coughing or wheezing.
     Even if you do not have a milk allergy, you can have an inflammatory reaction to dairy products that is similar to the response from gluten. This happens for a variety or reasons. Cows are supposed to eat grass and hay, however today, in the United States, most cows eat huge amounts of corn and grain based diets that may make their way into the milk. Therefore, dairy milk from cows who consume gluten is essentially not gluten free. People who are sensitive to gluten, will therefore be sensitive to dairy products as well.
     Gluten causes leaky gut syndrome, where other proteins can get into the entire system causing people to become allergic to foods that are constantly in their diet, such as dairy. Gluten also causes people to have a difficult time breaking down sugar and proteins in dairy, which causes problems such as gas, bloating and pain. In addition, today's dairy comes from genetically tampered with cows. The casein in this dairy withstands digestion and has been associated with autoimmune diseases.
     There are some dairy products that are from strictly grass fed cows and may not have an inflammatory response in our bodies. One of the popular grass fed brands that are sold in most supermarkets is Kerrygold. They have delicious grass fed butter and cheeses.
     It is interesting that some mothers (including myself) are told that their babies are allergic to their breast milk. At a time when I was still eating dairy with my first child, she refused my breastmilk, I was told to stop and supplement with formula. Typically, a baby is not allergic to breast milk, but the mother is eating foods that cause an adverse reaction in the baby. Babies may react with hives, skin rashes, colic symptoms, diaper rash, coughing, wheezing, sneezing, facial rubbing and/or gas. Foods that usually cause this are gluten, dairy, sugar, legumes, shellfish and cruciferous vegetables. If mothers avoid these foods, they may be able to breastfeed once again.






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