Ever wondered why over the past maybe five to ten years gluten free products and gluten intolerances has been popping up all over the place? Do you just think that now more people are aware of it or are there actually more cases of it? For people who study wheat intolerance and food allergies in depth it is clear that in the United States (and other places, such as the United Kingdom) food is being harvested and packaged differently in the past twenty years than ever before. Some people who have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance can actually eat wheat in its "pure form" in say Italy, but not in the United States. There is is something happening on our farms in the United States. Farmers in the United States are drenching our wheat with Roundup, a weed killer, a poison, whatever you want to call it, right before the wheat is harvested. Why? Not to kill weeds, but to produce an earlier, easier and bigger harvest. And why not right? More wheat for the farmers, more wheat for the people and more money for everyone involved in harvesting, shipping, selling, etc. All positive things right? Except for the people they are poisoning in the process. This process has been suggested since the 1980's, however it has only become routine over the past fifteen years. A coincidence that gluten intolerances have also risen in the same period?

What is glyphosate?
Glyphosate is the main ingredient in Roundup. According to the National Pesticide Information Center, it is the most widely used herbicide in the United States. It is put on leaves of plants to kill certain plants and grasses. It is also used to maintain plant growth and ripen fruit.
What are the effects of glyphosate on humans?
While the herbicide industry obviously denies any negative effects on humans, it is widely studied and proven to negative affect human physiology. Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT is at the forefront of this study. In your intestines there is friendly bacteria which helps to properly digest food. Glyphosate slowly, yet significantly destroys the friendly bacteria in your gut and also creates toxic alternatives. This plays a part in the intestinal wall becoming porous, which allows it to release toxins into your bloodstream, liver and kidneys effectively causing systemic disruption. This action not only causes autoimmune disease symptoms, but also breaks down our ability to detoxify other chemicals that we might come into contact with. The effects include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, etc. In extreme cases farmers exposed to high levels of glyphosate have died from kidney failure.
What should we do?
The simple is answer is avoidance. Even if you are not gluten intolerant, you might be if you continue to eat this way. Avoid all wheat products, even certified, non-GMO or organic wheat can unfortunately contain glyphosate.
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