
Guest Blogger: Mama Ella and the Throwaway Chicken Fried Rice

The story of my Throwaway Chicken Recipe.

     One day my daughter, Cinderella, was cooking at my house because her kitchen was being renovated. She likes to buy whole chicken breasts and cut them into cutlets. See her post on How to Cut Thin Sliced Chicken Breasts. So, she is proceeding to cut away the sides of the chicken and when she's all done slicing she takes the last slice, turns it over and cuts away the chicken that is not smooth on the bottom. She has about a cup of chicken she was going to throw away.
     I said, “Why are you going to throw away that chicken? That chicken would make a nice recipe. I have some leftover rice and I have an onion. I'm going to cook that up together.” 
      So, I proceeded to fry up the onions and then she started to make Chicken Fajitas and she took red and green peppers and she was cutting off the tops and was going to throw those away too. 
     I said “Hey, give me those. I'm going to put that in my recipe too. I cut them up into little pieces and I added that to the onions. I proceeded to cook and my granddaughter was drinking some pineapple juice that she did not want to finish. 
     I said, “That would be good in my recipe too.” I took an eighth of a cup of the pineapple juice and I threw it in with the rest of the recipe. I cooked up the onions and the fried peppers and I added the cut-up chicken. I added a tablespoon and a half of soy sauce and I had a two whole meals…..and that's how the throwaway chicken recipe was born. 
     So if you decide you would like to try this recipe, here all the ingredients: Also look at Cinderella's original post for Fried Rice that helped to make this dish.


2 Tbs oil
1 cup cut up multi colored Peppers
1 large onion
1 cup cut up uncooked chicken
⅛ cup pineapple juice
2 Tbs soy sauce
1 cup cooked rice
1/2 tsp garlic
1/4 tsp black pepper

1. Sauté the onions until they are translucent.
2. Add the peppers and cook for another few minutes until the peppers are soft.
3. Add the chicken and cook the chicken until it is browned
4. Add the rice, soy sauce, garlic, pepper and pineapple juice.
5. Mix it all together cook for another few minutes and you are done… enjoy!

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